Saturday, 30 June 2012

Winter Moon

I had intended for this blog just to be about all the daft stuff Moon does. As he’s still the only horse I’ve met who picks up dandy brushes and brushes the floor with them and holds letter in his mouth.
Moon The Post Pony

However I have come to realise that this will mean posts only occur once in a blue moon. (No pun intended) So I am afraid I will move away slightly from my beginnings and move towards keeping everyone updated and include the Moon antics as they happen.

In that vein I have to say it’s been way too long since the last update. Winter is a ridiculously busy time and I have to say getting up at 5.30am and finishing work at 7pm and maybe squeezing in a ride after does not leave much room for blogging! I have 6 horses that do day shift / night shift in my four stables. And ‘changeover’ and mucking out twice a day really does take its time. I have to assert however that I wouldn’t have it any other way. No matter how muddy, wet or dog tired I get I would never give up my horses. And all that hard work and perseverance is worth it when we get good results, as is becoming our habit!

After his holiday Moon started jumping properly having weekly lessons with James Adams. He improved so much after numerous late nights schooling session is minus 5 at Richmond equestrian centre and the practice was beginning to pay off.

Confidently jumping small courses at lots of different places, we were well on our way to being ready for the 2012 event season and Burghley Young Event Horse qualifiers (BYEH). Early spring saw us on XC courses and clinics. Moon still demonstrating his look before you leap attitude and not jumping anything unless he was convinced his delicate soup plate hooves had some place to land on the other side. 

Then came the rain . . . and more rain. . and more rain. This put an end to the cross country schooling.

Meanwhile we continued to compete in winter dressage leagues with great success. In May Moon was awarded the league champion at both prelim and novice level. I am so proud of my pet pony he has really grown into himself. I think the photos demonstrate how much he’s filled out in just a few months.

That’s you caught up to May. Mays antics require their own blog entry!

Moon kisses to you all.  x